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How to Read the Migration Report

In this article, you’ll learn more about how to interpret the results of the migration report and we will help clarify how well Scroll Documents supports the features you are currently using.

How to Read the Report

In the table below you’ll find an overview of the entries which will appear in your report. Learn what each entry means, and if you’re required to take any action when given a specific value. This table will help you understand what actions will be required to take before you can switch to Scroll Documents.

For help in understanding the more detailed JSON format of the report, refer to the article: How to Read the Migration Report in JSON Format

Report entry

This entry tells you…

Required actions

Additional recommendations

Space Name

The name of the space.



Space Key

The space key of the space.




How many pages that exist in this space.

If your space has a lot of pages, take this as a chance to clean up the space by removing outdated or redundant content.


Top Level Pages

How many top-level pages this space has. In other words, how many pages that are on the highest level in the space.

If the value is greater than one, this means you have more than one top-level page in the space. When this is the case, before converting: Go to Space tools > Reorder pages and place all pages in the page tree under the same top-level page. You won’t be able to convert to Scroll Documents until you fulfill this requirement.

Conceptually, Scroll Documents needs all pages to be stored under a single page, which is why you need to potentially reorder the pages.

Blog Posts

How many blog posts have been created in this space.


To keep in mind:

When converting spaces, blog posts are copied to the new space, but keep in mind:

  • Only the latest revision is copied.

  • Original creator and creation date are retained.

  • Last modification date is set to the conversion date.

  • The last modifier is set to the user who initiated the conversion.

Scroll Space Type

If the value shows:

  • Master this means this space is used to publish content into other spaces.

  • Master(archive) this means the space has been archived.

  • Target this means a master space was published into this space. This target space can contain duplicate page titles or languages.

If the space is a:

  • Master space we recommend that you consider converting this space to Scroll Documents. To learn more, check out Conversion with Master Spaces.

  • Master(archive) space, we recommend you double check if you want to keep the space and convert it to Scroll Documents.

  • Target space, think about whether you really need it. To help you make an informed decision, we recommend reading Conversion with Target Spaces.

We recommend to take the conversions as a chance to clean up old spaces and rather not convert archived spaces.

Scroll Publishing Methods

If the value shows:

  • - this means this space has never published any content using Scroll Versions.

  • to same this means this space has been published within the same space.

  • to new this means this space has been published to a new space.

  • to existing this means this space has been published to an existing space.

  • to remote this means the space has been published to a remote Confluence system.

With Scroll Documents you can publish content to a specific target space, or a parent page within your authoring space.

However remote publishing to other Confluence systems is not available in Scroll Documents. This is also not something we are planning to implement.

As an alternative solution to remote publishing we recommend that you publish your document as an online help center with Scroll Viewport.

For more information about publishing to Confluence with Scroll Documents, see: Publish Versions and Variants


How many versions the space has.

Decide which versions are necessary to convert.

In Scroll Documents, the number of pages in the space will be multiplied by the number of versions and languages you have in the space. In short, if you have a lot of pages, versions, and / or languages, this will affect your space size.

We suggest trying to convert as few versions as possible, and view the conversion as a good opportunity to get rid of redundant versions.


If the version tree has several branches, this value tells you how many branches.


To keep in mind

In Scroll Documents it’s not possible to create branches. Your existing version branches will be converted into a linear version tree within Scroll Documents.

Multiple Root Versions

If the version tree has several root versions, this value tells you how many root versions the version tree has.

Multiple root versions is a legacy feature in an older version of Scroll Versions. If you find you have multiple root versions, reach out to:



If the space has variants, this value tells you how many variants the space has defined.

Variant management in Scroll Documents works with page labels. Those labels can be defined during conversion and are are automatically assigned. To learn more, read: Manage Variants and Conditional Content



If the space has variants, this value tells you how many attributes the space has defined.


Attribute Values

If the space has variants, this value tells you how many attribute values the space has defined.



How many languages are in the space.

Decide which languages are necessary to convert.

In Scroll Documents, the number of pages in the space will be multiplied by the number of versions and languages you have in the space. In short, if you have a lot of pages, versions, and / or languages this will affect space size.

We suggest trying to convert as few languages as possible, and view the conversion as a good opportunity to get rid of redundant content.


If the value shows:

Scroll Documents does not have any inbuilt workflow and does not integrate with Comala Document Management.

Instead, you would need to work with Scroll Documents' own restrictions and reports to maintain an author and review process. We recommend learning more about this before converting. See: Compare, Track, and Review Versions and Variants

We will be looking into potentially supporting workflows in a future version of Scroll Documents, as well as a potential integration with Comala. To follow the progress, see:

  • Support for workflows/approvals: DOCS-17

  • Integration with Comala Workflows: DOCS-36

Include Library

The Include Library feature is in use in this space.

Continue to the report entries Included by and

Includes to confirm if content from this space is included in another space, alternatively if it includes content from other spaces.


Included by

If the value shows Yes , this means this space is an Include Library. The content from this space is included in other spaces / documentation spaces.

The Include Library feature is currently not fully supported in Scroll Documents.

As it works currently, the included content will instead be converted into the new Scroll Documents managed space: Conversion with Include Libraries

The source pages of the included content will be copied and added to the top-level above the home page.

If the outcome described does not fulfil your requirements, we recommend you wait to convert and reach out to our support via:


If the value shows Yes , this means this is a documentation space which reuses content from other spaces via an Include Library.

Incoming Links

This value assesses the amount of incoming links from other spaces that point to pages in this space.

If your Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations-managed space has incoming links from other spaces in your Confluence system, you can choose to rewrite those links so they point to the newly converted Scroll Documents space. To learn more, see: Migration of Incoming Links

Any page that had its link rewritten during this action will be listed in the Confluence logs with its page ID for reference.


To learn how to generate the report, refer to: The Migration Report

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