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Manage Variants and Conditional Content

This article takes a closer look at how Scroll Versions and Scroll Documents handle variants and conditional content. We'll explain what these features are and how they work in each app.

Variant Management

In Scroll Versions, variant management is seamlessly integrated into the app. You work with attributes and attribute values to define pages that belong to a specific variant, giving you granular control over what's displayed to your audience.

In Scroll Documents, you have two options:

  1. Use the out-of-the-box variants feature to evaluate its use and set up 2 variants for your document.

  2. Use the Variants for Scroll Documents extension app to get access to the more advanced variant feature set.

In comparison to the Scroll Versions attributes, you will use standard Confluence page labels in Scroll Documents to define which pages belong to a specific variant, making the feature easier to understand for your team.

To learn more about variant management in Scroll Documents, see: Manage Variants

Conditional Content

Both apps enable you to work with conditional content macros. These macros let you control when certain content appears. For example, you might want to only show a message to some readers based on their role or their product tier.

When you switch to Scroll Documents, your “Conditional Content” macros in Scroll Versions are transformed into “Scroll Conditional Content” macros. Working with Confluence labels, you can mark certain paragraphs to be available in a specific variant.

To learn more about this process, see: Conversion with Conditional Content


Both Scroll Versions and Scroll Documents offer ways to manage variants and conditional content. They do this in slightly different ways, but the goal is the same: to help you share the right information with the right audience.

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