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Publish Versions and Variants

This article compares how Scroll Versions and Scroll Documents handle publishing, helping you choose the best way to share your content.

Your Publishing Choices

See below for a comparison of the publishing options for these two apps:


Scroll Versions

Scroll Documents

Offline exports

Create offline assets (PDF, Word, HTML) using Scroll Exporter apps. To learn more, refer to: Publish to a Document

Export content to PDF, Word, or HTML for offline use with Scroll Exporter apps. For additional information, see: Export to PDF, Word, or HTML

Confluence publishing

Share directly within Confluence. Publish to a new space, an existing space, or within the same space. Further information can be found in: Confluence publishing

Publish internally within Confluence. Choose to publish to a dedicated reader space or a specific parent page within your authoring space. Check out Publish to Confluence for more details.

Scroll Viewport

Integrate with Scroll Viewport to publish to a dedicated online help center. For additional information, see: Publish to the Web

Similar to Scroll Versions, Scroll Documents integrates with Scroll Viewport to present your content professionally to external audiences. Further information can be found in: Publish to a Scroll Viewport Site


Scroll Versions and Scroll Documents offer similar publishing capabilities:

  • Share your content online with Scroll Viewport,

  • offline with Scroll Exporter apps,

  • or internally within Confluence.

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